Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wishcasting -- 9/8

What do you wish for less of?

 1. anxiety/fear/worry

2. pretending everything is okay

3. too much stuff and clutter

4. television

5. feeling full of dread

6. fatigue

7. extra pounds

8. cleaning house


  1. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also!

    I love your wish! I swear you peeked into my head and wrote out my wish LOL. I wish for fearlessness too. I wish for fearlessness for you too!

  2. Oh,pretending everything is ok - aren't we all so guilty of that. I wonder what would happen if we could all be as honest as children when it comes to our emotions. We'd probably all be so much healthier.

    As Grace wishes for herself, so I truly wish for her as well.

  3. Kudos to you for adding tv to your list. No can do here, I love my tivo too much:)
    As Grace wishes for herself, I wish also.

  4. Am finding so many wishes that resonate in my own heart. Less fatigue. Yes, As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you.

  5. as you wish for yourself so i wish for you also.
    Isn't this a wonderful way to feel stronger? Sharing our wishes and expressing our fears/

  6. Oops, I think I accidentally deleted my first comment, but if two turn up, sorry!

    Love your list--might need to adopt it. :)

    As Courtney wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.

  7. What a great list! I've been working on keeping the tv off during the week because even though we got rid of cable, we still have Netflix. It's working out pretty well but there are days....
    As Courtney wishes for herself, so I wish for her also...and so it is!

  8. I am confused(no surprise)Is it Courtney or Grace?

  9. We have satellite, but I can't remember the last time I turned the television on. I can remember days where all I did was watch TV. I'm so much happier now. I hope your wishes all come true!

    As Courtney wishes for herself, so do I wish for her also!

  10. As you wish for yourself, so I wish also. :)

  11. as you wish for yourself so i wish for you also!


